Hi Friends!
Happy Tuesday…how’s it going? I thought I’d pop in today and share some life lately updates since we’ve had so much going on recently.
First up, over the weekend, we got a car! Some of you might not see the excitement behind this, but maybe some of you city-dwellers will! I have never owned a car, and Chris hasn’t for almost 10 years. If if weren’t for the baby, we still wouldn’t have gotten one, but we figured since we do have a parking spot since we moved (our old place also had parking, but we rented the space out) that probably can’t be rented out, we might as well get something to fill it.
I’m super excited to do things like go to Costco and buy a ton of paper towels now. Haha! But really, since driving himself is pretty much the only form of transportation (besides walking and biking) that doesn’t give Chris motion sickness, I’m hoping that we can get out and do so many more things now. Well except that we’ll have a baby, so we’ll see.
We were just going “to look” at cars last weekend, and maybe get one this upcoming weekend. But we walked into a Honda dealership and the salespeople were very convincing. So we bought a small SUV, and Chris went to pick it up last night. I have to say, part of me thinks maybe we should have done more research. Or at least have visited more than one dealership. But it’s nice to know this is one more big item checked off our to-do list.
After all, I’m due in exactly ONE MONTH. April 5th! I’m hoping to hang out for that long – we still have a lot to do! I’m debating if we should try to do a quick “babymoon” that’s within driving distance. Or at least a day trip to Lake Geneva or something? Do we have a spare weekend to give up?
Much of our lives is still centered around our recent move and getting our new condo in shape. The thing about new construction is that you have to install things you might have taken for granted like toilet paper holders, window treatments, and towel rods. And workers are still coming by regularly to fix punchlist items. We’re hoping getting our baseboards fixed tomorrow, and then hopefully that means no more workers coming in and out for a bit!
This week, we finally got the building intercom/buzzer system working, so we can finally get packages! I ordered new towels, bathmats, dishes, a baby crib/mattress, and there’s still more to come, like dining chairs and counter stools. We also need new desk and when we can finally move into the master bedroom, a new bed! Since we didn’t do the best job of packing for our move, I’m still trying to KonMari some of my stuff and replace some items that “don’t spark joy.” I sent over 10 handbags to ThredUp!
Other than that, Chris and I have been researching strollers/car seats (I think we’re going with UppaBaby, but not sure which models). And attending baby classes. We have a 6 hour class coming up this weekend at the hospital! I’m also trying to figure out what to pack in my hospital bag, and what else we need to buy. If you have any tips for what we need/don’t need, let me know!
I’ll be 36 weeks at the end of this week, so be on the lookout for a 3rd trimester recap post coming up! See here for more pregnancy related posts.