Hi Friends!
How are you guys? I feel like I’m getting really behind on posting – it’s so hard to find free time while Reid is still so little and in need of so much attention! But if you watched my Instagram stories, you saw that last weekend, I did take a little me time to get a much needed new haircut. The last time I got one was last December!
Interestingly enough, I feel like my hair did not change with pregnancy. I’ve heard all these stories about how your hair gets really thick/or grows really fast. But then you lose it all after delivery. I hope I didn’t just jinx myself, but my hair didn’t get any thicker…so maybe I won’t lose it all now? (Or maybe that part is coming later??? Yikes).
For my haircut and style, I went to see Jillian Seely at Paul Rehder Salon in the Gold Coast. Jillian is a hairstylist and colorist in Chicago with a ton of experience – not to mention, experience working with celebrities! (Check out her website and resume here). She is so cool and easy to talk to, and I loved hearing her stories about Rahm Emanuel, Chris Farley, and more. I also love Jillian’s style (hello Hermes belt <3). She’s coming out with a line of haircare products soon, and I can’t wait to try it. The shampoo has only 12 ingredients (I’m always looking for cleaner shampoos) and has notes of eucalyptus, which is my favorite.
Jillian took off a few inches, getting rid of my terrible dry split ends, and gave me some long layers for more movement. It feels lighter now, which is perfect for spring/summer. But it’s still long enough to easily pull back, which is definitely necessary. Reid has recently been wrapping his tiny fingers around any loose strands and not letting go. And I have to pry my hair out of his little fists every time my hair is down. #momlife
Here, my casual loose waves (check out Jillian’s YouTube tutorial here) go so well with this chambray shirt dress. I picked up mine for $21, and it’s still on sale! It’s so effortless, and the buttons make it easy to nurse or pump. Most dresses would require me to take the whole thing off. I don’t have time for that!
See below for some other affordable chambray picks below.