Hi Friends – how’s your Monday going?
I’m still feeling pretty under the weather and have pretty much lost my voice which is not fun. This morning, I went to the dentist. The office which is a lot closer to home, so I’m working from home the rest of the day. I’m diffusing eucalyptus oil right next to me, but I’m so stuffed up I can’t smell it haha. I’m also pulling out all of my tricks like apple cider vinegar, homemade chicken soup, raw garlic, etc. since I can’t really take medicine right now either.
Our weekend was mostly spent looking to what we’re going to do moving-wise, napping (me) and mentally prepping for the Super Bowl (Chris). Chris might very well be the biggest Patriots fan that exists (I swear he’s a good person to all the haters out there, haha!) But I’m not even sure I knew the extent of the fandom until this past weekend, and what he’d be willing to do/give up just to see them win. Anyways, I’ve been pretty stressed out recently because of the condo stuff and the baby coming. And I thought Chris was mostly stressed out because of it too. But it turns out at least HALF of it was because of the Super Bowl. HA! But the Patriots won and he is super happy.
I wanted to share this versatile wrap cardigan with you guys today. You can wear this piece either as a long cardigan that goes past your knees. OR you can drape and button the ends around your neck, and wear it like how I am in these shots. Nordstrom classifies this piece as “lingerie” which is a bit strange. But I guess I can see how it’d be a good piece to lounge around in…or even for nursing moms! Also, this drape wrap cardigan comes in dark gray (mine), black, navy, cream, blush, and pink.
Have a great rest of the day!