Reid is 6 months old today!!!!
The past HALF YEAR (what?!?) has been such a whirlwind. Sometimes, Chris and I still can’t believe we’re parents now. Other times, don’t even remember what our lives were like before Reid was born.
So far Reid has…
- learned and then forgotten how to sleep through the night
- learned and then forgotten how to roll from tummy to back. (But the past 2 months, all he does is roll from back to tummy
- learned how to sit by himself!
- learned how to break out of pretty much every single swaddle brand on the market
- gone through several phases of self-imposed starvation where he thinks playing is much more fun than eating
- tried solid foods! (And kinda hates it)
- learned to laugh hysterically
- find a pacifier and put it in his mouth…and everything else he can get his hands on
- gone from hating bath time to LOVING bath time
- learned to say a bunch of sounds…like Ma! (But he doesn’t know what he’s saying yet)
- learned to “play” piano and guitar
- received a work permit and his first paycheck! (more on this at a later time)
- learned to hold hands…and reach out to hold hands with other babies (too cute)
- had not one, but TWO haircuts already!
We love you so much Reid! Excited to see what the next 6 months will bring (please let it bring more sleeeeeeeep).