Hi Friends, Happy Thursday!
It’s been a short work week for me. Today, I’m leaving the office a bit early for a doctor’s appointment (30 weeks tomorrow!!) and then tomorrow, I’m taking a vacation day so that I can attend our condo inspection and figure out what is going on with our flooring/color mixup.
In other news…I finally pulled the trigger and soldered my engagement ring and wedding band together this week! A few months ago, I did a poll on Instastories, and 2/3 of you voted “don’t solder!” The most common reason given was that then I wouldn’t be able to wear my wedding band alone. But Chris had gotten me a plain band that he engraved with our wedding date, so I can always wear that one by itself if I needed to. A lot of people just messaged me and said “PLEASE don’t do it! Keep them separate!” but they didn’t say why.
My engagement ring is top heavy and borderline too big (I wear a size 3.5!) and my wedding band is half-eternity, so the spinning/not lining up/clanking together has been driving me nuts for over two years. I had to do it! (For two years, I either dealt with it, tied them together with string, used those little plastic sizers, or even clear nail polished them together!) The jeweler said he would only solder them a bit in the back. That way, it’s pretty easy for them to separate the rings if I ever change my mind, want to add another band in between, change my setting, etc.
So far I’m THRILLED. And I can’t believe how much of a difference it made. They’re just…easier to wear. I find myself needing to take my ring(s) off less frequently (the best way to lose them). And not needing to adjust them all.day.long. If you’re looking for a local jeweler in Chicago, I went to Luo M. Jewelers on Wabash per my friend Joanna’s recommendation, and they charged a fair price, and even threw in some freebies (inspection, polishing, tightening prongs, etc).
Anyhow, today I wanted to share this cute lavender sweatshirt with ruffles (here) with you guys! With this sweatshirt, you get the comfort of wearing something cozy, but the ruffle details help to elevate your look a notch. You know, so it doesn’t look like you just spent all day watching Netflix on the couch and eating snacks. (Doesn’t that sound wonderful though?)
Now that it’s freezing out, I also need the option of throwing something over my yoga leggings and top, if I need to run errands after class. This sweatshirt is perfect for that! Spending Valentine’s Day at home making dinner?…another opportunity to wear this! I wouldn’t say this lavender sweatshirt with ruffles is loose-fitting, but at the same time, I can still fit into my regular size (XS). Yay! I love building up a collection of clothing that will still fit after Small Bean is born.
Have a great rest of the week! It’s almost Friday!