Hi Friends! It’s been a while!
Just wanted to pop in for a quick update…life lately just revolves around the baby! Since Reid was born on March 26, all my days and nights have blurred into one long stretch. I’ve been sleeping in 2-3 hour increments, so on one hand, the days feel super long. But on the other hand, this month has gone by super fast.
Life has certainly been different from my last life lately post. I’m currently on maternity leave from my job (I get 12 weeks). And I’ve been giving myself a little break from the blog. Most of the day is taken up by changing diapers, breastfeeding, pumping, burping and holding the baby. And doing some chores and errands in between. That’s all I’ve had time for, even though I’m awake on average around 20 out of 24 hours right now. Like I said on Instastories, I really haven’t done much in terms of outfit posts because I’m literally in robes or PJs all day long, haha. I’ve gone a whole week I think, without going outside! This is one of the few “real” outfits I’ve worn all month – and I made sure to dress super comfy.
We’ve had family in town for the past 3 weeks – my sister and parents, and Chris’s parents. They’ve been helping with cooking and cleaning which has been really nice, but it’s been harder to rest during the day since there’s a lot more going on. Earlier in the month, I had two bouts of mastitis (infection from nursing). It was really painful and caused fevers and chills, so that wasn’t fun. Also, in full transparency, I also had a huge blowout fight with my parents while they were visiting (They said I was being rude and unappreciative, and I thought they were dismissive of my feelings and not respecting my boundaries). So they left earlier for their flight home. That situation was pretty stressful.
We haven’t been taking Reid out much in order to protect him from germs. (He’s getting his first round of shots in a month). But we have taken a couple walks around the block and to the park nearby. And Easter weekend, we took him to the Northwestern campus, where I went to college, for a walk around the lake.
We ended up at at an Indian restaurant for dinner and then stopped in Whole Foods, which we were already kind of nervous about. Later that night, Reid started sounding kind of hoarse when he cried, and Chris’s dad came down with stomach pains and a fever, so I started panicking that we got him sick. He turned out to be ok, and probably was just hoarse from allergens from outside/crying. But we’re probably going to keep him away from public places (besides the park) for a bit longer! But we’ve had some friends come by to visit!
Chris and I are still busy with our list of condo to-dos, even though it’s now been 2+ months since our move. There are still lots of things going on. Hopefully this week, our new sectional couch will arrive, we’ll get our garbage disposal fixed, and our garage spot will be striped (right now, we can’t get the baby in/out of his carseat while parked – there isn’t enough space!) Then finally we’ll get to more organization and decorating.
We also need to order desks for Chris and me, TV stand/shelf and coffee table for the living room, bed for the master bedroom, shelf for the baby room, and a floor length mirror.
This weekend, Chris’s mom is heading back home, so it’ll be the three of us again! And tomorrow, Reid is one month old! I’ll be doing a post on that, so be sure to check back later.