Hi Friends! Happy Friday!
The title of this post is “life lately,” but actually, I don’t have all that much to update you guys on!
I’ve just been at home, taking care of Reid, and trying to find time to do anything else! Sometimes I’m finally brushing my teeth at 6pm, when Chris gets home and takes Reid…I know that’s gross, haha. But that’s seriously how little free time I’ve had, and I’m just trying to be real with you guys. A few times I’ve had to jump out of the shower early because he woke up from his nap early and started crying. For a couple of weeks, Reid was absolutely refusing to be put down while awake (hence not having time to brush my teeth). He still insists on being carried/held all day, specifically, in an upright position, so he can look around. In fact, he also wants me to walk around, instead of sitting. That kid!
Thank goodness for baby carriers. I’ve been wearing this ErgoBaby carrier, and also recently picked up a K’tan so I can actually do things around the house. (I’ve been trying to eat with it on, but got salsa on it the other day, oops). The weather has been pretty bad this month, with a few nice days here and there. When it’s warm though, so I’ve made a point to go outside once a day and take Reid to the park or the grocery store. He loves looking around and is the most well-behaved on our little outings.
We also met up with our neighbor yesterday who has a newborn for a walk in the park, and I embarrassingly couldn’t figure out how to unfold our travel stroller (since I’m always using the baby carrier) or how to buckle the seatbelt. Oh also, when I got back home, I realized my sweater was inside out. She gets it though, haha. I’m a little nervous to wear the baby carriers too often though…I’ve heard it can cause hip dysplasia??
In other news, I had my 6 week postpartum appointment, and was told that I’m good to go! I took another glucose intolerance test, and my results were mostly normal. My fasting was “mild elevated” according to my obstetrician, but that might be because I’m not sleeping much, or keeping regular hours. She just told me to schedule a physical with my physician later this summer. I’ve never had much of a sweet tooth, but now I want all the sugar since I couldn’t have it. I’ve been indulging in cake and ice cream almost everyday. And all the carbs.
Despite my busyness, I’ve actually had more time to watch TV, which is what I’ll do sometimes while nursing. Can you believe that I’ve never watched Friends??! (Minus a few episodes here and there?) I’m starting on season 1 now.
Chris and I have tried to do some condo-related things, but really haven’t made much progress. He’s on a mission to find a perfect mattress for us though – he says since we’re not getting much sleep, the sleep we do get needs to be good, haha. He’s ordered a bunch of to test out – I should ask him to do a review on Instagram Stories!
I’m excited for the upcoming long weekend for Memorial Day! I’m getting a much needed haircut at Paul Rehder Salon with Jillian Seely. And hopefully we can get some errands done and relax a bit. We’re also headed to our friends’ new house in Wicker Park for a BBQ.
I’ll be back with a 2 month update on Reid soon, as well as a few more outfit posts soon! Have a great weekend!