Hi Friends! How was your 4th of July? Did you have to go back to the office today? Any plans for the weekend?
Chris, Reid, and I went to our friends’ BBQ yesterday. It low key, just 6 adults + a baby and a dog but it was so fun. I’m thinking that I must be getting old because these smaller get togethers are sounding a lot more fun these days than larger parties. Plus our hosts made grilled chicken and broccoli and I’m like YES! Healthy food at a BBQ! Haha…old.
It was fun to re-read last year’s 4th of July post (here). At last year’s BBQ, I remember meeting Chris’s coworker and his wife (now friends) and discussing how we wanted to start families but were simultaneously panicking that we weren’t ready, but scared to wait in case we had fertility issues. (See my posts here and here about being ready). Maybe that discussion spurred something, because we both decided to try and got pregnant soon afterwards, and now we both have baby boys a year later. Also, I think it’s CRAZY that this time last year, Reid still didn’t exist. And this year on the 4th, he turned 100 days old! Just one year can make a HUGE difference.
Chris had work today, which was kind of a bummer, but I’m looking forward to the weekend. We have a birthday party to attend for friends we haven’t seen since our baby shower, and we might look into some single family homes (yes, we just moved, but we’re always on the hunt for the next place, haha). Baby stuff takes up SO much space!
Have a great weekend y’all! See you back here next week!