Hi Friends!
Hope your week has been going well! We’re still dealing with the 4 month sleep regression (ahhh). But on the bright side, my friend Christina is in town this week for a work trip. I’m really excited to see her, and for her to meet Reid! I haven’t seen her since my baby shower back in February, so it’s been too long. (We used to be roomies in college, and even when we first graduated and moved downtown).
Christina moved to San Francisco for work a few years ago, but I haven’t been out to visit her yet. BUT we’re invited to a wedding out there in October, so we might be traveling there soon. (We’re also invited to a wedding in North Carolina later that month).
HOWEVER, Reid has not been on a flight yet, and I’ve been nervous ever since we got these save the dates. He’s only ever spent the night at home, and two nights in the hospital when he was born! Most of my mom friends flew with their babies at around 2 months, and said it was fine. Their babies just slept the whole time. But they also said that flying/traveling gets increasingly challenging as the babies get a bit older. They become more alert, making it more difficult for them to just nap whenever and wherever.
Reid is at a stage where he does like being out and about, but he’s dependent on sleep tools like his white noise machine and swaddle. (He can roll over, so we’ve been trying to wean him off the swaddle but it is NOT going well. We do have the Newton mattress that allows for babies to breathe through the mattress if they’re accidentally stuck on their faces, so thank goodness for that).
So I’ve been panicking about all the stuff I have to pack to lug across the country. I’ve said this before here, but I tend to be an overpacker. Now add all the baby gear – it’s seriously been giving me anxiety! I had trouble falling asleep a few nights already thinking about these upcoming trips! Even as sleep deprived as I am. On top of all the bottles, my pump, clothes, car seat, stroller…do I also need to bring a pack n’ play and baby lounger? Should I stuff my suitcase with diapers or buy them when we arrive at our destination?
Then Kimpton Hotel Palomar in Chicago reached out to share their collaboration with 4Moms. This partnership offers all hotel guests traveling with babies the use of 4Moms gear – the Breeze Plus Play Yard with a bassinet and changing table option, as well as the Mamaroo infant seat that mimics the movements of parents. Hotel Palomar also has a complimentary Baby Butler service that stocks the guest rooms or suites with all the disposable baby essentials for the trip (you just have to pay for the cost of the items). So Chris and I decided this was the perfect opportunity for us to practice traveling with Reid!
We live in the West Loop, about 2 miles away from Hotel Palomar, so we decided to walk over to their River North location. (A prime spot to stay if you’re visiting from out of town!) Since we were walking, it was a chance for me to practice packing light, and limit myself to bringing only what would fit in the stroller. And I wanted to check out the Baby Butler service!

We arrived in the early evening on a Friday, where we checked in at the front desk. When we got to our room, both the Breeze and the Mamaroo were already set up. And everything I ordered from the Baby Butler service was there!
I requested the following – diapers (regular and swim), diaper cream, wipes, baby lotion, baby soap, Baby Tylenol, and pacifiers. They also provided the use of a sound machine and baby bathtub. If you need it, you can also borrow a humidifier, nightlight, outlet covers, and toilet latches.
Check out my saved Instagram Stories under “Staycation” to see more about our room and our stay!
We unfortunately missed Hotel Palomar’s complimentary happy hour, but we were given wine vouchers to use at the hotel’s adjacent restaurant, Sable Kitchen + Bar. For dinner though, Chris and I decided to go to Star of Siam, a Thai restaurant across the street from the hotel, since it’s casual enough for dinner with Reid. It’s also where we went for our first dinner date 7.5 years ago!

We walked around the city for awhile, and when we got back, we took Reid for his first swim at Hotel Palomar’s pool! Good thing I was able to request swim diapers through the Baby Butler – we didn’t own any!
He loved it! The pool has a great city view as well! That’s another cool thing about Hotel Palomar – it’s definitely a hotel that appeals to adults, but it’s kid-friendly as well.
After we tired Reid out, we headed back to the room for his bath, and got him ready for bed. The hotel provided this bath tub, which you can stand in a tub full of water, or in an empty tub – and pour water over your baby, shower-style (which is what I opted for).

The next morning, Reid hung out in the Mamaroo while we packed up our things. I wish we purchased a Mamaroo when he was a newborn – seriously, it would have saved us when he was demanding to be held 100% of the time. While I packed, I realized I still brought too many things. The hotel provided most of the items we used! I prepared for having to store my pumped milk on ice in a cooler, but the room had a refrigerator. That’s definitely convenient for nursing moms! I should have checked beforehand.
After packing, we went to Sable Kitchen + Bar for brunch, and then headed up to the hotel’s terrace to hang out.
Then it was time to go home! Thanks for having us Hotel Palomar! We feel so much more prepared for our upcoming trips! (Note to self: STOP packing so much!) If you’re coming to Chicago, check them out!