Hi Guys! Happy Monday!
I’ve been telling everyone that I feel like I’m going to go past my due date (which is in a week and a half) but I’ve been getting contractions all day today! I guess we’ll find out soon enough if this is the real deal or not!
Anyways, today I wanted to talk to you guys about t-shirt dresses. I think prior to recently, I only owned one, by Rip Curl. I’ve worn it to death the past couple of years, so I recently picked up 4 more t-shirt dresses. And that’s right, I said YEARS, not SUMMERS. That’s because you can wear them year round.
They’re also perfect for pregnant ladies – often regular shirts look too short once they stretch over the baby bump, but with t-shirt dresses, this is less of an issue, especially when paired with leggings. Here, I also styled my t-shirt dress with a jacket and booties. But I’m also looking forward to this spring/summer when I can wear them alone with flats or sandals.
Also we took these pictures right in front of where the new Jeni’s Spendid Ice Cream in the West Loop will be. I don’t think they’ve announced an opening date yet, but hopefully this summer! When my gestational diabetes has hopefully gone away! Yay!
Have a great week guys! And wish me luck with labor and delivery!